Craft night at Lynda’s! Tonight, Rachel, Lynda, and I made closed and open-air terrariums. It’s something I’ve wanted to try for awhile, and I’m pretty pleased with how mine came out. It’s a lot easier than I had imagined. We used plants and moss that Rachel picked from her backyard and around town and from some of Lynda’s plants.
For my first experiment, I made a little terrarium in a mason jar, using some moss and two tiny spider plant buds. The layers, bottom to top:
— Rocks for drainage (I used pretty hot pink aquarium rocks)
— Charcoal bits
— Screen/mesh, to separate the charcoal and…
— Planting soil
— Moss and plants!
For my second larger terrarium, I had the room to get more creative with the aesthetics, adding a spider plant, little hen-and-chick things, some bark, and other plants. I’m not sure if they will all survive, but hey, it was fun to make!